What is the CNHC and why is it important to be able to register with them?

CNHC was set up with government support to protect the public by providing a UK voluntary register of complementary therapists. CNHC has been approved as an Accredited Voluntary Register by the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care.

With this qualification you are able to register with them so employers, healthcare professionals and clients can have confidence in the level of training you have received to become a complimentary therapist.

Do I need to show you any pre requisite qualifications?

Yes once you have booked your CPD course you will be required to email over copies of your A&P and Massage Qualifications. If these are not received before the start date of the course then you will lose your place on the course. Also if we do not recognise your qualifications you will not be able to attend the course and a refund will be given.

You do not need any pre-requisite learning to attend our Level 3 Diplomas, but if you already hold a Level 3 Anatomy & Physiology qualification you will not have to complete this module again. Evidence will be required od prior learning.

Will I be able to join Professional associations and gain insurance with your qualifications?

Absolutely. You can join all the well known associations such as The Federation of Holistic Therapists and Association of Reflexologists.

Remember not all qualifications will allow this.

You can gain insurance from any company of your choice.

Once qualified you are able to be employed or set up your own business and practice immediately.

How can I pay for courses/workshops ?

For diploma courses you can secure your booking with a deposit of £350 this can be paid online using PayPal or credit/ debit card. Or you can call us to arrange a BACS transfer.

Monthly instalments can then be arranged to help spread the cost. Short courses and workshops must be paid in full at the time of booking.

Will I get a certificate at the end of the course?

For our diploma courses you will need to be assessed as competent on your final assessment day and if all work has been completed then your certificate will be issued.

You will also receive two certificates from ETS for your A&P and Pathology Diplomas

If more practise is required then another assessment day will be arranged. This is free of charge. If another day is required after this then a cost of £100 will need to be paid beforehand.

Certificates for short courses will either be issued on the day or sent out on completion of case studies.

Will I be refunded if I have to cancel my course?

In accordance with The Consumer Contracts Regulation you are entitled to a 14 day cooling off period from the day of booking. If you choose to cancel please let us know in writing within this period for a full refund. We understand that sometimes circumstances can change and you may not be able to attend a training course. In this case we will do our best to move you to our next available course at no extra cost. No refund will be given. Please see terms and conditions

What should I wear?

For training ideally a tunic and black trousers but if you don’ have one a dark short sleeved T shirt will be fine. We ask that you wear flat non slip shoes, long hair is tied back and your nails are short.

For retreat days wear comfy loose clothing maybe consider layering as your body temperature can change during the day. Also shoes are left at the door so some cosy socks please, no one likes cold feet!

Do I need to bring a model for training courses?

No you don’t. In our experience students learn just as much being a model and having the treatment done on themselves. The groups are small and your tutor will make sure you work with all the group.

Can I park easily?

Yes there is ample free parking, so no more scrambling around looking for change to put in the meter and even better no need to rush off at the end of the day.

Ive never been on a retreat and am not sure what to expect.

Our one day retreats are perfect for people who are a little nervous about what to expect. Our retreats are non judgemental and have no religious slant. They are a time for you. They can help bring balance back into your life and help you focus on all that is important to you.